Br. Markus
de es

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How would life look like, where our satisfaction is not dependent on negative and positive assessments and experiences?

Being with oneself absolutely in harmony.

  • What is the Absolute?
  • How does one attain the Absolute?
  • And what is absolute life?

For this web site I wrote 18 short articles. Every article answers these questions from another point of view. – Discover!

Hindu decoration right

About me

Brahmachari Brother Markus


Brahma is the Ultimate and charya means “to follow”.

Literally translated, Brahmacharya, has been said to be “a lifestyle adopted to enable one to attain the Ultimate Reality”.

A Brahmachari is one who lives Brahmacharya.

The word “Brahmacharya” is Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the language in which the Holy Scriptures in Hinduism and also in Buddhism have been written.


  • Monk since 2007

  • Since 2012, I live as hermit monk in the Swiss Alps (Valais)

  • Before that, 11 years on Tenerife Island (Spain)

  • Previously engineer in business information technology at Swisscom


  • As Brahmachari one lives a contemplative life. Silent and attentive.

Action is practically impossible. Body and the mind are tranquil. The mind is concentrated and the body is in its best condition. The interest and the desire is only for the One.


And when we do something, then we do it knowingly.


Brahmachari (Brother) Markus
Brahmachari (Brother) Markus
Brother Markus


In Switzerland the fresh cow's milk comes to wooden dishes, in India in copper dishes. Milk is stored in different vessels. If we want to have cream, we leave the milk overnight. In the other morning we can skim off the cream. One can do this in Switzerland as well in India, whether wood dishes or copper dishes are used! Overnight there is always cream. And about this cream it is.


The world argues, whether milk shall be kept into wood or copper. The world argues, whether the milk is better from this or from that country.


Don't let ourselves be turned away by the vessel! The vessel is necessary, otherwise one cannot leave the milk overnight. But, nevertheless, it is not about the vessel. It is even not about the milk – it is about the cream!

Religious Practices?

No. I do not practice.

No incents sticks, no singing bowls, no chanting, no ceremonies.


No pujas, no asanas, no Vedas.

Why not ?

Do you want the decoration or the cake?


Now you understand why I can't produce something and sell it. And the knowlegde on my website is for free.  smile


Unbelievable that one needs money even when one keeps quiet :

  • pension scheme
  • health insurance
  • fire wood
  • internet data subscription and email
  • hosting of this web site and eremoSpace
  • bank charges

What is regarded as a monthly minimum wage in Switzerland is for me sufficiant for almost a whole year.

Five Swiss Franks Butterfly




Thank you so much!

Would you like to act as a maecenas or as a benefactress or benefactor regularly?
Email me or my administrator.
See bank account data as well.

Eremo – Einsiedelei des Einsiedlers Markus

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Five Swiss Franks Butterfly

Herzlichen Dank!
Thank you very much !
¡Muchas gracias!

Five Franks Butterfly

Herzlichen Dank!
Thank you very much!
¡Muchas gracias!

Admin für den Eremo

Chorherr Daniel Salzgeber, Hospiz Simplon

Chorherr Daniel Salzgeber

(Ökonom des Hospizes Simplon und Generalökonom seines Ordens) übernimmt seit Juni 2016 die Administration. – Vergelt's Gott.

Nächste Grosse Meditation 2025

Die nächste Grosse Meditation beginnt voraussichtlich im Dezember 2025.

Im scheinbaren Vordergrund steht bis dann das Verarbeiten und Ausleben von Erkenntnisse vergangener Zeiten. Im wahren Vordergrund steht aber mein Lebesziel: das Streben nach und das Vereinen mit dem Absoluten und Ewig-Währenden.


Bruder Markus

Br. Markus
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Estilo de vida